Friday, May 27, 2011

The Entire Prayer

Print it and offer it up daily.

Prayer For My Husband

Open his eyes to Your plan for his life. The plan
for which he was created and that would stir up
energy and passion in him.

Give him success in all that he does.

Grant him more than enough income to provide for
our family and to serve Your people.

Recharge him at home more than at work or play.

Help him develop friendships with other men that
would encourage, validate, bless, and focus him on
His identity and purpose from You.

Help him see me as his helpmate and help me
that I can be his best friend, supporter, and lover
(Proverbs 5:18-19).

Make my image the model of beauty for him.

Help him to know that I believe in him, trust his
decisions for the family, and am proud of what he
is able to accomplish at work.

Help us take every opportunity to bless each other
and allow the Holy Spirit to be the one to convict
of sin.

Help me to allow him to truly enjoy time with You
and look to You for direction and life to give to the


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