Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Crepe Cake

We had an unusual Easter. Sickness kept the family divided for the Triduum. Sickness kept us from enjoying the taste of delicious food and pleasant company altogether. Bummer of a weekend in one sense.

A few highlights made is memorable in a good way though. We initiated the Italian soda and cannoli dessert as part of our timpano tradition. We tried an all natural version of egg dye by using left over cabbage - it worked! We almost overheated in the pure glory of 70 degrees and clear skies.

And we enjoyed the heavenly crepe cake that my sister made and served for brunch.

Divine. Simply divine.


Unknown said...

I must get that left over cabbage egg dye recipe.

Dianne said...

Happy Easter Monday , Lucy! Hope Izzy and Ben are on the mend.......and That crepe looks amazing. He is Risen, indeed.