Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Stuff Happening This Week

  1. Maddie wraps up learning about the early settlers to America and the Plymouth colony. She begins working on a travel brochure that will entice people to come visit colonial Rhode Island. We are all learning a lot about this state in its early stages.
  2. We are discerning whether or not to send Izzy to pre-school and which one. I like the idea of the YMCA pre-school 3 days/week. I go for a visit and tour today.
  3. Izzy and I will be visiting my friend Sarah who just and her third baby, a boy named Joseph.
  4. Ben keeps riding the bike every day and eating well. Now we have to buy him a new wardrobe really really cheap!
  5. Kate goes to a classmate's house this Friday for a birthday party. She has wanted to get together with this girl for awhile.
  6. Saturday is a full day: helping with a move, a birthday party, fixing up a bike to give away, Lord's Day, and watching the movie "Man On Wire" (recommended by Jacob and Birdie).
Just a snapshot into our life!

1 comment:

Dianne said...

The picture of the aunties and girls is great....they all look alike.....oh those beautiful Ferbers/O'Reilly's. Nice to see Lucy and Izzy on Saturday.