Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Scarf

We've seen it with jeans, pants, skirts, dresses, coats, blazers, short sleeves, long sleeves, t-shirts, tank tops you name it.  I have a couple of sisters-in-law who wear scarves beautifully.

My friend found this video showing 25 Ways to Wear a Scarf.

I am fond of the "Celebrity" and "DIY Infinity".  Saw the "Braid" a couple years ago and like that one too.

Pick a scarf this season that you really, really, really, like and wear it all kinds of different ways with just about anything. Your wardrobe will get an instant boost.

P.S.  The "European loop" was in full swing in Paris in 1999, years before it hit our fashion market here.  Those Parisians know what they are doing. With clothes anyway. And architecture. And coffee. And cheese.

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