A little more Hawaii this morning, please. It's early and I did not sleep well.
I have a cold.
My head feels a little like it did 20 feet under the surface of the Pacific in one of the best diving locations in the islands. The pressure was something to get used to. My usually too-quick nature almost got the better of me. But I rallied and worked really hard to descend as slow as I could. The few tricks our guide shared with us to help adjust to the pressure were helpful, but I still needed some time to fully embrace this new thing - snuba - and relax and just enjoy the wonders of the deep. Well, everything within 1 - 20 feet of my oxygen tank which rested above the water on a raft.
So when I tell people I went snuba diving, they say, "Snuba? You mean scuba. Or did you mean snorkling?"
I say, "No, its really called snuba, kind of a combination between snorkling and scuba. You should try it. If I can do it, anyone can."
And I mean it, folks. If I can do this, you can too. And I would highly recommend it next time you are off the coast of Lanii. Or anywhere else it is offered.
This is your traditional snorkling.

It was snorkling that I heard the humback whales. Heard them loud and clear.
And it was snorkling that I saw the big sea turtle directly below me just slowly swimming and skimming the sand in the shallow water off the coast of a gorgeous beach in Maui.
This is snuba. (Forgive the graininess. Our disposable camera does not do the scenery justice at all.) Here is me ascending...wishing I had more time to explore.

Blame it on the cold.
Anyway, as you move and glide through the water, it really is a cool gliding, peaceful movement, as you pull your raft along with you. I felt only slight tugging as I moved and not all the time as their was often a lot of slack.
We saw a lot of cool fish and coral. As an amatuer, I really only was able to identify them by name from "Finding Nemo". Thank God for Pixar when you are 20 feet under.
Look, there's a Scar.

Duty calls now.
I have to ignore my cold and be a mom.
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