Friday, April 22, 2011

A good good Friday

We memorized this prayer last year as a family.

The girls and spent only a few minuted recalling it this Lent and have said it a few times together.

It is a favorite.

Father in Heaven,
the love of your son led him to
accept the suffering of the cross
that his brothers and sisters
might glory in new life.

Change our selfishness into self giving;
help us to embrace the world you have given us;
that we may transform the darkness of its pain
into the Life and Joy of Easter.

I read an article yesterday that hit on a topic of great importance to me...building neighborhood.

Here is the article - Know Thy Neighbor

It is a good article and a good start to a conversation about reaching out and just plain old getting to know people.

I found though in reading it that it lacked one element...the sentiment described in the prayer above - embracing all the Lord has given us for the purpose of transforming it into His kingdom.

When you see someone with the eyes of Jesus, you can't help but see a brother or sister. You can't help yourself. You just desire to share in life and joy with them, even if it is for a moment, passing someone on the sidewalk, or helping them lift heavy groceries, or shoveling the 18 inches of fresh snow from their driveway, or just listening as they recall a hard day at work.

When Jesus hung their on the cross, he looked down and out and saw each one of us. He saw me, a sister, and took on all I am and all I will ever be (the good, the bad and the ugly) and He said, "I embrace you, I will never leave you, I will work with you to bring about new life and joy for you, your family, your friends, your neighborhood, your vocation, your whole life."

When he felt totally abandoned and lost, he still proclaimed forgiveness and love. What endured and will always be is Love, his plain old simple Love...his goodness, his kindness, his generosity, his empathy, his compassion, his meeting us where we are at.

It's all still there through us.

Let's bring it out to those around us.

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