Thursday, August 23, 2012

A New Phase of Life

We're off to pursue the Good, the True and the Beautiful at Trinity School at River Ridge.

It's a new Mother/Daughter (and whole family) adventure!

We are in for hard work, serious study, enjoyment of a rich curriculum and relishing in the company of friends and faculty committed to the school's mission.

Trinity's Mission Statement

The mission of Trinity School is to impart basic ordered knowledge about the world and to train students in basic intellectual skills and qualities of mind so that they might be of use to God in the wise care and governance of his creation and in the building of his kingdom. We accomplish this by establishing a culture marked by the discovery of truth, the practice of goodness, the creation of beauty and the development of intellectual and aesthetic habits of mind. Trinity School is a community of learners characterized by the rigorous exploration of reality, the free and disciplined exchange of ideas, and active participation in the fine arts. 


Cunheez said...
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Cunheez said...

Bird posted this on another blog


Saying goodbye to aunt boosy
Its happening and I have been in slight denial by organizing our home and preparing for the change. We have said goodbye to Aunt booys. Everyone is headed back to school this Fall, including Aunt boosy. We couldn’t be more excited for her, she will be doing another passion - teaching and learning. Next week the kids start with a new routine and new adventures with nanny Jess.

Saying goodbye to Aunt boosy was hard. She surrounded pieta and oliver with so much love and joy and most of all a home away from home. Both pieta and oliver started their as little babes and have grown into sweet, spunky, fun loving kids. Also missed will be their time with all the causins and ben. It has been a complete honor and privledge these past three years to have the kids grow in her tender, organized, enriching care. I truly believe, there are seeds and roots planted and grown by lucy within pieta and oliver.

We wish her the best as she flourishes as a teacher and are soo thankful we still get to spend family time with her. My best memories of the love they have for her is when pieta was just two she told lucy – you are my best friend and when we drove up to a birthday party this summer pieta yelled from the back seat – there is lucy I can’t wait to run up and give her a hug. And oliver, when I told him everyone he loves is coming to his birthday party he looked at me and smiled and said – loochy? They love her dearly.

She gave them each a suitcase at our family celebration of end of aunt boosys. She said it was for when they come and have sleepovers. It was the sweetest gift. Little does she know, pieta is already plotting how she wants to go to school and be in her classroom. Perhaps one day this school year we will go and have lunch with her.

We will miss her dearly.