Monday, October 3, 2011


If you visit the Minnesota Zoo in the next month, take a stroll down to the farm. Greeting you along the road will be some interesting "animals" - scarecrow animals, to be precise.It's called Scarecrow Alley and you can find the info here.

You'll come across these guys and you'll think, "What talent! What imagination! How did they do that?!"

Then, you'll come to this guys and you'll pause and think, "Now this must be the work of a family - about 15 or so people ages 3 months - 64 spending a gorgeous Autumn evening pouring their creative and resourceful juices into this amazing structure. This guy deserves 1st place!"
And you would be right in your thinking. At least, mostly right. Ben's family did come together and share their materials, time and energy towards creating this scarecrow elephant affectionately named Eek.  But, Eek won third prize at this year's MN Zoo scarecrow contest. Still, he made the podium! He made us all proud.  From the chicken wire underneath to the puffy painted t-shirt around his belly, he stood tall and well, a little scared.  The creative minds of that night paid close attention to Eek's every detail - the bracelet on his/her arm, the toenails, the braided tail with a bow, the eyeball staring at the super scary mouse and more.

And all it took was some chicken wire, pvc pipe, safety pins, a glue gun, cardboard, paint, straw, felt, Styrofoam, and a big grey blanket.  And, it took a hugely successful collaborative effort - totally worth it;  a fun and blessed time with family. 

So, go pay Eek a visit. See the firends he's made and maybe get inspired to join the contest yourself next year.
My mind is already reeling with ideas.

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