Day by day, little by little I am slowly taking control of piles of papers, clothes in the closet corners, household items past their prime, and crammed, sagging dresser drawers.
One paper pile I am working on contains an article in the local paper that featured a cook book for newly married couples and some basic tips and advice for starting your cooking adventure. I saved the article with the intention to write about it here and as the beginning of a new series, Great Gift Ideas.
I really like thinking ahead to gifts that will bless the receiver and honor the occasion. When possible with my life's schedule, I add some kind of homemade element to the gift. It might just be the card, but I like to add a personal touch.
Back to the article...
It caught my attention with the title of the book and this advice from the wife of the author team, "Get in the kitchen, begin with simple meals and practice. Don't be overly ambitious. Work your way into things. Good results will encourage you to keep cooking."
Advice worth noting, in my experience. I believe the simplest dishes, done well, are worth eating, enjoying and using for entertaining.
The article also includes some gadget recommendations and basic dos and don'ts when approaching cooking as a novice.
Of the five essential tools suggested for every cook's kitchen, I own four. The fifth tool, one that I have craved for years, is an enameled cast iron dutch oven. I am convinced I would use it regularly especially in the fall and winter months (months which my 10 year old are convinced are fast approaching.) I am still enjoying the hot, slow days of summer, thank you.
Just Married and Cooking is the book's title. Visit the authors' website here for more ideas.

Pair the book with a recommended gadget/tool and you have a great gift on hand for the next couple! Maybe you embroider a dish cloth to go with the book, sew an oven mitt or sew an apron. Or, maybe in the card, you simply offer some cooking advice of your own or include a favorite recipe from your own kitchen.
Whatever you choose, know that even the smallest personal touch is often greatly appreciated and remembered over years and years.
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