Issue III
Sorry I haven't got on back to "Boo's News" recently, so many things going on. My family came home from a camping trip in the Black Hills.
But life has been good! Trips to the zoo and library with Pieta and Oliver, Oliver's first birthday and a fun family birthday party, planning for the Ferber Family vacation out East, and Baby Jack's birth (which took place in June; he's so cute).
I hope you all are relaxing in the shade, swimming and playing and having fun outdoors. I myself have been cooling off, reading and writing new plays. My sister has been reading, swimming, and looking at earrings. Littlest sister has been playing scuba diving and space ship with Luke, our next door neighbor.
"In Christ, it's the covenant of Love that we call Our Life" -Hugh Springer Jr.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Ewe Too

My husband and date for the night started crying as he read me the play list from the St. Louis concert. I told him to "man up, or get out of the car."
Geeeesh. I thought I might need to provide therapy during the concert if he couldn't keep it together even in the car on the way there. You've got to get yourself together.... (They performed that one, by the way.)
Then there was the imminent threat of rain and possible cancellation. Johnny take a dive with your sister in the rain; Let her talk about the things you can't explain (Myserious Ways - also performed.)

That made me feel much better.
Then we had to endure a few 50 year old perverts next to us, totally obnoxious men who almost destroyed my faith in humanity. Do you really have to offer me weed, use the f-word in every sentence, unbutton your pants?
And these were guys who looked like executives or chiropractors.
The guys next door.
Are there any decent men left?
I prepared my date for a possible need to retreat to the back of the floor. I did not want these children ruining my concert experience.
And, I couldn't bring in my own camera; the lens exceeded the limit and my camera bag was too big for regulations inside the stadium. I felt kind of important having such a cool camera that was too big. But bummed I had to instead use my date's smart phone that I had no experience with.
Next we stood through the rousing opening act, Interpol.
See how excited everyone was?

All interesting facts.
But I wondered, will they post the amount of diesel fuel used for this world wide tour that requires 100 semi trucks to transport the massive claw like stage around the country?
And that is only one third of the fuel needed. This concert tour required three separate stages to traverse the country side since it takes one week to set up just one.
I decided not to focus on the political...that would inevitably come later in the concert anyway. I chose to enjoy the music, the lyrics, the spectacle, the vibe, the crowd, my date's arms wrapped around me, and yes, the pouring down rain for the latter half.
It was incredible.
Lights go down and all I know is that you give me something I can feeeeel...Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! (Veritgo - one of my favorite work out songs, when I choose to work out.)
Here's the Setlist which included most of my favorites.
I'm light enough and my date is strong enough, so I was hoisted up several times and got a few blurry shots...but it gives you a sense of how close we were to the action.

And the main man Bono, whose energy is remarkable. His spirit inspiring. His ability to rock out and enjoy whatever nature throws his way amazing.

Our only picture of the foursome.

Despite the 60,000+ crowd, lasers, light show, smoke and hoopla, there was also an element of intimacy that balanced the show.
In the end my body was soaked, my throat a little sore, my lower back needing a massage, but I was still pumped.
My faith in humanity restored.
The lyrics from Where The Streets Have No Name played in my head all night.
And still rang in my ears this morning.
And when I go there
I go there with you
It's all I can do

Worth The Wait
Some things are just worth waiting for.
We were blessed by her reality after months and months of praying.
And getting these kids back together.
And getting these kids back together.
The 9 + hour car ride was totally worth it.
And being patient with the local zoo as they upgraded their tropics trail to include the crocs.
And being patient with the local zoo as they upgraded their tropics trail to include the crocs.
And spending hours in the kitchen preparing and waiting for the timpano to bake.
And drip by drip waiting for the sap.
And the end of Le Tour.

And watching these fellows live for the second time in our lives.

Totally worth the 18+ month wait for this outdoor concert of a lifetime.
Friday, July 22, 2011
As if I didn't have enough crazy in my car.
The "wild" burrows on the Wildlife Loop at Custer State Park, SD, added to the mix.
Let's just say, they know how to make themselves at home.
And beg in pairs.
So, we just had to get out to join them in their natural habitat.
We didn't make it out to these guys. But they looked well cared for.
Talk about an easy life - Tourists stop mid road, open their windows, feed you carrots and other goodies and go ga ga over you, taking your picture over and over.
They are the celebrities of the Black Hills.
They are the celebrities of the Black Hills.
Why I Love My Camera
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